Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is iVerify?
iVerify is Frontstream’s Matching Gift Claim System. iVerify allows charities to claim matching gifts by verifying the gifts they received direct from a donor. Frontstream manages matching gift programs for many corporate clients. All match requests must be verified by the charity in order for the charity to receive the matching funds.
2. How can I request matching gifts for a donation be paid directly to my organization?
Matching gift requests can only be requested online by a donor that made the gift to your organization. The donor will access a separate website maintained by Frontstream and make a matching gift request. When the donor completes their matching gift request online, a claim form is generated. The donor will provide you with the Matching Gift Claim form so that you can use the iVerify site to claim your gift.
3. Who uses iVerify?
iVerify is used by charities who have received a matching gift claim form from a donor participating in an eligible Frontstream managed client campaign.
4. Having trouble logging in?
To login, you must have an account registered with iVerify. This account is separate from any other account you may have for other Frontstream sites. To register, click the Register link on the Log On page and follow the instructions provided. Upon completion, you will receive an email with your account information.

If you have trouble logging in to iVerify, please contact customer service at adminsupport@frontstream.com.
5. How do you claim a matching gift?
Begin by logging in to the iVerify site. Then, enter the transaction number and verification code from the donor's matching gift form in the fields provided.

If this is your first time making a claim on the site, you will be asked to validate your affiliation with the associated charity. After your first visit, you will not be asked to validate this information again.

Once completing the validation, you will need to provide the tax deductible amount of the gift you received. Click the 'Claim' button after you have provided the correct amount. At this point the verification box will disappear and the screen will refresh and display any previously claimed gifts.
6. How to view history of verified gifts?
Upon login, you will see a list of any previously verified gifts.
7. How do I view what donors this verification is for?
The donor information is displayed in the previously claimed grant box. Clicking view on any of the verified match requests will display the donor information associated with that request.

When verifying a gift, the donor information is displayed after the transaction ID and the verification code are entered.
8. Where can I see a list of all of my requested matches?
All verified match requests are displayed in your Previously Claimed Grants window. For security purposes, pending match requests are only displayed if the transaction ID and verification code are provided by the charity.
9. When will the funds be disbursed after I verify?
Match requests approved under client eligibility guidelines and that meet Frontstream vetting requirements are generally available for distribution within 1-3 months after verification. After approval, the specific distribution schedule varies client by client. Distributions can be monthly, quarterly or on some other pre-determined schedule.
10. The donor selected the wrong charity, how do I change the donation to be associated with my charity?
In this case, you will need to contact the donor and ask them to verify that they sent the funds and the matching request to the correct charity. If the donor has any questions, then please ask them to contact their customer support.
11. How do I update my account information?
Click on your username in the top navigation. This will redirect to the My Account page which allows you to change your username, password, first name, last name, email and phone number. Once completed, click Save. If you do not wish to save these changes, click Cancel.
12. How do I see which charities my account is associated with?
Click on the Charities link in the top navigation and this will redirect to the Charities page. Within the Charities screen you can view the associated charity information.
13. Why is the Requested Match amount listed different than the tax-deductible amount I verified?
The “Requested Match” field displays what the donor originally requested for match. It does not equal either the amount verified by the charity or the final approved amount from the client.
14. Having any usability issues with iVerify?
If you encounter any issues using iVerify, please contact customer service at nonprofitsupport@frontstream.com.